I truly hope that Trump changes before the inauguration, that he develops some principle beyond his own profit and glorification, that he learns enough about the Constitution and our national workings for his Oath of Office to mean something, that he learns to listen to those that know more than he does, that he learns to take criticism without tantrums. I wish for his success, to quote George H.W. Bush in his letter to Bill Clinton, to be America's success, despite the vile persona that got him elected. If this gets him two terms then so be it.
And that is where I depart from the personnel of the current right wing faction in this country, whose Senate leader vowed to do everything in his power to keep Obama from getting a second term, cost to the nation be damned. One political faction in our country has rejected the legitimacy of and sought to undermine every President outside of it for the last 20-odd years, has rejected duly respected Constitutional procedures (hearings for SCOTUS nominees recently), has invited foreign heads of state into the Houses of Congress to rail against the President and has held the international economy hostage for political ends. In sum, the current right-wing faction has demonstrated a consistent willingness to spite this country's well being, in hitherto unprecedented ways, in order to further its own power.
I have a family history of Republican party affiliation. My great-grandfather chaired the party back when Roosevelt was king. I still can't bring myself to identify as a Democrat. But I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and act like we should all just get along in America regardless of what happens going forward. The current right wing faction has declared cold civil war and has been waging it for two decades. I would be happy to see Trump try to end it - really. But I expect this cold war to be just heating up.