On his first day in office, Trump had his Press Secretary lie in the face of clear facts about . . . the size of his Inaugural Crowd. He then gave a rambling self aggrandizing speech at the CIA headquarters . . . and brought a staff of lackeys to start applause after his comments.
That's it for me, and it should be for anyone who has studied 20th century history and is familiar with the workings of authoritarianism. Trump has to go. He needs to resign or be impeached. And this needs to happen as soon as possible. It is in the hands of the Congressional GOP, who would have a President that would likely be more sympathetic to their agenda if Trump were removed.
Trump has already damaged our country. He has damaged the Presidency just by virtue of his campaign and the norms he has violated (such as releasing his tax returns). But I believe that his being our head of state for four years would subject us to such a ceaseless barrage of propaganda and disinformation that America, and Americans, would suffer from the spiritual, intellectual and motivational rot that is characteristic of those living under reality-controlling propagandistic authoritarians. He has not started to use the state to settle his petty grievances but when he does - we're there. Not to mention that for a President to act like a petty vindictive dictator, to have his surrogate sprouting straight-faced lies like Baghdad Bob, is a goddamn heartbreaking sight for anyone whose allegiance to America is predicated on more than where they were born.
Call Republican Congressmen and tell them that you support their impeaching and removing Donald Trump. I anticipate the typical rhetorical Jiu Jitsu from Trump loyalists: just accuse the other side of whatever they're accusing you of, rinse, repeat. If you ever bought into it, now's the time to step back and realize that we have clearly transcended partisan politics at this point. If you'd rather live under an autocrat than a Democrat, and voted accordingly for Trump, do your part by calling Republican Congressmen and telling them to cut out this malignancy before it destroys our cultural and political national character (I know it doesn't seem like our politics and culture could get more toxic, but we are just at the beginning.)