Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A year or so later

2016: Trump brags about the size of his hands.
2018: Trump brags about the size and function of his nuclear button.

I stand by what I had to say about Trump and today's GOP before and after he took office. He has since delivered for Putin and trashed the American anti-authoritarian experiment.

If we make it through 2018 without the world blowing up (I can't imagine the most GOP members wouldn't prefer Mike Pence) then maybe he will be regarded as McCarthy like pariah whose example is to be avoided. The U.S.'s position in the world will be weakened. Much can be undone domestically, but his appointments to the federal judiciary cannot be. These appointments weaken the last line of defense of the American experiment, an independent judiciary. Judges have political preferences but they also have professional values. As the professional worth of nominated GOP judges declines and their loyalty to party increases, we can expect an increasingly politicized judiciary and an America that becomes less and less its true and best self.