Monday, October 7, 2013

Let's be clear

There is politics as usual in Washington. Legislators from both sides of the aisle want to keep their seats and be well situated financially once they leave them. As a rule, they will please whom they have to - or think they have to - to ensure that this happens.

And then there is the current situation. Republicans in the House have refused to fund the Federal government - and threaten to refuse to pay the country's incurred debts - unless they can avoid funding a law whose passage they failed to prevent.
These actions and threats have already damaged this country economically. An actual government default could yield "economic calamity like none the world has ever seen." And yet the G.O.P. maintains these threats.

The people behind these actions like to refer to themselves as "patriots" and accuse the President of "treason." The G.O.P. has gone from openly undermining the President to, yes, holding the economic health of this nation and the world hostage to accomplish something that it couldn't through the legislative process. My purpose in writing this is to point out the obvious, which can be difficult to see in real time: threatening your own country with dysfunction and financial catastrophe in order to further your own electoral interests is far closer to treason than patriotism.