Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Choose Wisely

I have asked two Trump supporters if they really trust him to command the U.S. Military and conduct foreign affairs on our behalf. In each case, the answer eventually got to "not really, but the [military/state department/Washington establishment] won't let him do anything too rash."
That's not how it works.
Most of us have lived in an era of relative global peace and American prosperity that has depended on the (mostly) judicious use of American military force and diplomacy. To vote for an unjudicious man atop the military and diplomatic chain of command with (likely) undisclosed financial obligations to foreign powers is to risk great disturbance in the balance of global powers, with consequences we cannot forsee nor imagine. For what it's worth, it's absolutely unconservative to vote in such a way: conservative philosophy was largely born in response to the upheavals of the French Revolution.
But, to pay some attention to a Trump supporter's unphilosophical concerns: things over your lifetime may not have turned out the way you thought they would for you. Maybe you do not like the way the country has turned out and would like to see it be made "great again." Whatever that means to you, I promise you one thing: one man cannot do that. He can either tread water - like the alternative - or make things worse than you've ever imagined they could be. I ask for y'all to join me in doing the most moderate, prudent and, yes, conservative thing on Tuesday.
One of two people will be President next year. Choose wisely.